王丹博士是香港浸會大學新聞系的研究助理教授。她的博士論文主要研究中國報業的數位轉型。她的主要研究興趣是宏觀政治經濟學與微觀社會學的互補。王丹博士在Journalism Studies, Digital Journalism, Chinese Journal of Communication, Global Media and China等國際期刊,《新聞與傳播研究》及《新聞大學》等C刊都有發表。
Basics in Media and Communication
Fundamentals of Communication
Foundation of Communication Studies
Communication Research Methods
Media & Comm in Chinese Societies
Media Convergence: Theory and Practice
Introduction to Social Science Theories
Digital Journalism
Sociology of News Production
Newsroom Ethnography
News Value and Professionalism
(New) Media and Society
Communication in Chinese Society
- Wang, D. (2022). Socialization and Control in the Digital Newsroom. In Zhang I. & Meng, J. (eds.), Digital Journalism in China (Routledge book series on Disruption: Studies in Digital Journalism edited by Bob Franklin), Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Digital-Journalism-in-China/Zhang/p/book/9781032162157
- Guo, S.Z. & Wang, D. (2022). Classroom vs. Newsroom: Journalism Education and Practice in The Digital Age. In Zhang I. & Meng, J. (eds.), Digital Journalism in China (Routledge book series on Disruption: Studies in Digital Journalism edited by Bob Franklin), Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Digital-Journalism-in-China/Zhang/p/book/9781032162157
- Wang, D., & Guo, S.Z. (2022). Making “Un-news”: News Aggregation in Chinese Press. Journalism, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/14648849211067590. [SSCI].
- Wang, D., & Guo, S.Z. (2021). Native Advertising in the Chinese Press: Implications of State Subsidies for Journalist Professional Self-identification. Digital Journalism, DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2021.1968919. [SSCI].
- Wang, D., Huang, V.L., & Guo, S.Z. (2020): Malleable Multiplicity and Power Reliance: Identity Presentation by Chinese Journalists on Social Media, Digital Journalism, DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2020.1832900. [SSCI].
- Guo, Z.S. & Wang, D. (2020). Integrating News Production and Construal Level Theory: A Comparative Analysis of Press Coverage of China’s BRI Initiative. Chinese Journal of Communication. [Corresponding author]. [SSCI].
- Liu, K., & Wang, D. (2020). Two Chinese magnates in trouble: Communication trends, convergence periods, and influential factors in the Ctrip and Baidu Crises. In Dodge, P. (ed.) Communication and Convergence in the New China: Politics, Platforms, and Participation (Chapter 6). East Lancing, MICH: Michigan State University Press.
- Wang, D. & Guo, Z.S. (2020). 整合框架與解釋水平:海內外報紙對『一帶一路』倡議的對比分析 (Framing and Construal Level: A Comparative Analysis of Press Coverage of China’s “One Belt One Road” Initiative). 新聞與傳播研究 (Journalism & Communication), 03, 5-20. [CSSCI].
- Wang, D. & Sparks, C. (2019). Smartphones, WeChat and paid content: Journalists and sources in a Chinese newspaper. Journalism Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2019.1620115. [SSCI].
- Zhao, X., & Wang, D. (2019). 選擇螺旋與城市傳播 (Selective Spiral and Urban Communication). 新聞大學, 4, 62-74. [CSSCI].
- Wang, D. (2017). Role negotiation in everyday life of journalists in post-socialist China. In Tosoni, S., Carpentier, N., Murru, M., et al. (eds.) Handbook of 2016 European Media and Communication (p. 237) Doctoral Summer School. [Extended abstract].
- Sparks, C., Wang, H., Huang, Y., Zhao, Y., Lü, N., & Wang, D. (2016). The impact of digital media on newspapers: Comparing responses in China and the United States. Global Media and China, 1(3), 186-207.
- Liu, K., Yu, X., & Wang, D. (2016). 雙微時代社交媒體傳播趨勢與影響因素(Communication patterns and impact factors of social media in the age of “double micros”). 社會科學 (Social Science). 上海社會科學院 (Shanghai Academy of Social Science). [CSSCI].
- Huang, L., & Wang, D. (2016). What a surprise: Initial connection with coworkers on Facebook and expectancy violations. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion (pp. 293-296). New York, NY, USA DOI: 10.1145/2818052.2869081.
- Liboriussen, B., White, A., & Wang, D. (2015). The ban on gaming console in China: Protecting national culture, morals and industry within an international regulatory framework (p.230-243). In Conway, J. & deWinter, S. (eds.) Video Game Policy. Routledge.
Peer-reviewed International Conference Papers
(*indicate work done with students)
- Wang, D., & Guo, Z.S. (2022). Negotiating Reporting Strategies In Covid-19 Vaccine Coverage By Central Vs. Local Party Press In China: The Case Of News Aggregation. Journalism Research and Education Section at the annual International Association of Communication and Media Research (IAMCR) 2022 online conference, July 11-15.
- Huang, W., & Wang, D. (2022). Popularization of Deviance and Demoralization: The Case of Chinese Cyber Fandom Culture. Popular Culture Working Group at the annual International Association of Communication and Media Research (IAMCR) 2022 online conference, July 11-15.
- Guo, S.Z. & Wang, D. (2022). Expectation-Evaluation Gap: How Public Perceptions of Media Influence Reaction to Fake News in Hong Kong. Mediated Communication, Public Opinion and Society Section at the annual International Association of Communication and Media Research (IAMCR) 2022 online conference, July 11-15.
- Chen, L., & Wang, D. (2022). Explicit Consumption and Implicit Exploitation: Cyber Fandom in China. Popular Culture Working Group at the annual International Association of Communication and Media Research (IAMCR) 2022 online conference, July 11-15.
- Guo, S. & Wang, D. (2022). Classroom vs. Newsroom: Journalism Education and Practice in The Digital Age. Journalism division at the hybrid 72 Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, 26-30 May 2022.
- White, A., & Wang, D. (2021). Two Normative Models of Digital Journalism: Native Advertisements in the USA and China. Political Economy Section at IACMR 2021 online conference, July 11-15.
- *Ruan, S., & Wang, D. (2021). Mainstreaming UGC: The Adaptive Recentralization of Online Content in China. Mediated Communication, Public Opinion and Soceity Section at IACMR 2021 online conference, July 11-15.
- Wang, D. & Guo, S. (2021). Digital Divide in News Making: The Case Study of China. Digital Divide Working Group at IAMCR 2021 online conference, July 11-15.
- *Wang, D. & Tang, H. (2021). Classroom-Newsroom Contradictions: Chinese Journalism Education in the Digital Age. Journalism Education Section at IAMCR 2021 online conference, July 11-15.
- Wang, D., & Guo, Z.S. (2021). The Fall of Beat: Implications of “Robotized” Newsroom in the Digital Age. Journalism division at the 71th annual ICA online conference, May 27-31.
- Wang, D., & Guo, Z.S. (2021). Making “Un-news”: Digitalization in a Chinese Press. Journalism division at the annual ICA online conference, May 27-31.
- Wang, D., & Guo, Z.S. (2020). Paid content in the Chinese press: Implications of state subsidies for journalist professional self-identification. Journalism division at the 70th annual ICA online conference, May 21-25.
- Wang, D., & Huang, L. (2020). Malleable identity, personal desires, and power reliance: Chinese journalists’ social media branding in a time of change. CCA division at the 70th annual ICA online conference, May 21-25.
- Guo, Z.S., & Wang, D. (2020). Framing and construal Level: A comparative analysis of press coverage of China’s “One Belt One Road” Initiative. Journalism division at the 70th annual ICA online conference, May 21-25.
- Li M., Xu, M., Song, Y., & Wang, D. (2020). Examining the profanity use and self-expression among women in the networked age: The case of Chinese women’s swearing on social media. Language and social interaction division at the 70th annual ICA online conference, May 21-25.
- Wang, D., & Sparks, C. (2019). Professionalism and power in an online newsroom. Journalism division at the annual IAMCR Conference, Madrid, Spain.
- Wang, D., & Sparks, C. (2019). The impact of digital technologies on journalists’ routine. Journalism division at the 69th annual ICA conference, Washington DC, USA.
- Wang, H., Sparks, C., Lu, N., Wang, D., Zeng, W., & Huang, Y., (2018). The changing political economy of the Chinese newspaper press in the age of convergence. Journalism division at the annual ICA Conference, Prague, Cech Republic.
- Wang, H., Sparks, C., Zeng, W., Wang, D., & Huang, Y., (2018). The demoralizing effects of digital technologies on Chinese newspaper journalists. Journalism and education division at the annual IAMCR Conference, Eugene, USA.
- Wang, D., & Agustin, K. (2017). Alienation and everyday life of journalists: An ethnographic study at paper X’s police beat. Annual ICA Conference, San Diego, USA.
- Liu, K., & Wang, D. (2016). 大數據背景中的危機傳播趨勢和影響—以2016百度、攜程事件為例 (Crisis communication in the context of big data research-Case Studies of Baidu and Ctrip fake tickets incidents). Globalization, Communication and Governmentality Symposium, Beijing, China.
- Wang, D. (2016). Roles negotiation in everyday life of journalists in post-socialist China. European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School, Milan Italy.
- Huang, Y., Lu, N., Sparks, C., Wang, D., Wang, H., & Zhao, Y. (2016). The impact of the internet on Chinese newspapers. Annual IAMCR Conference, London, UK.
- Lu, N., & Wang, D. (2016). Adaptive centralized media control in the Xi Jinping era: An interpretation of media convergence reports and policies. Annual IAMCR, London, UK.
- Wang, D., & Augustin, K. (2016). The spiral of communication: Big data analysis on the online news title and audience reception in China. Annual IAMCR Conference, London, UK.
- Wang, D., & Huang, L. (2015). Investigating impact of identities and organizational constraints on self-censorship of Chinese journalists from three types of newspapers. Annual IAMCR Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Vincent Huang, Dan Wang, and Steve Guo, “Cases in Chinese Internet Studies (CICIS),” Special Grant for Strategic Development of Virtual Teaching and Learning, University Grants Committee, HK$348,000, in progress.(Co-I).
Wang, D., Guo, Z.S., Zhang, X., Lv, Q.R., Zhang. R.A., “Content control as power legitimation: Internet regulation in mainland China and Hong Kong”, International Research Workshop Funding, Centre for Advance Internet Studies, Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, 17,000 Euros, in progress.(PI).
Wang, D., & Guo, Z.S., “Resistance to cyber censorship in China: An inoculation theory approach”, Communication-Media-Culture Studies Funding Scheme, Centre for Media and Communication Research, School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University, HKD99,400, in progress.(PI).
Reviewer for the below peer-reviewed academic journals
Journalism (SSCI)
Asian Journal of Communication (SSCI)
Digital Journalism (SSCI)
International Journal of Communication (SSCI)