苏博士拥有超过15年财经新闻界经验。他曾经在香港电台、Now TV及香港恒生大学工作。他在2017/18学年获得「香港恒生大学卓越教学奖」。他自2013年起与Now TV的制作及图像设计团队合作, 开创了电视节目《图解财经》, 以简单生动图像向观众解释复杂的财经现象及概念。
Business and Financial Journalism
Fact-checking Misinformation and Disinformation
Digital Media and Methods
Selected Publications
- Cheung, M. M. F, Lam, B, S. Y. & So, B. M. H. (2020). Who leads the IPO news: Agenda-building and intermedia agenda setting in a routinised and standardised news context, Journalism Studies 21:12, 1681-1704
- Cheung, M. F., Lam, S. Y. & So. M. H. (2020). “Who leads the IPOs news: intermedia agenda-setting in a routinized and standardized news context.” Poster presentation at the 70th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference (May 2020)
- So, M. H. Brian, Cheung, M. M., & Lam, B. S. (2019). “Regulation, routinization and standardization: Challenges to the professionalism of financial journalism in the context of IPO news” paper accepted and presented in The annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR, July 2019)
- Cheung, M. F., Lam, S. Y. & So. M. H. (2019). “Strategic communicator or event organiser? The scope of the financial public relations profession in the IPO context,” paper presented at The 18th International Conference on Research in Advertising 2019 (Krems, June 2019)
- So, M. H. Brian, Zhang, Tianbo & Chan, Oi Yan. (2018) “Predicting Usage Patterns of Financial News Information Apps: A U&G 1.0 and 2.0 Perspective” paper accepted and presented in The 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (May, 2018)