Prof. Steve Guo received his BA in English and English literature from Beijing Foreign Studies University. He worked as a journalist at China Daily for seven years before obtaining his Master's and PhD degree in political communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research interest focuses on news production and its social impact. Prof. Guo has been teaching in HKBU since 1996.
News Translation
News Writing in English/Chinese
Opinion Writing
Feature Writing
China Reporting
Mass/Communication Theory
Political Communication and Public Opinion
Research Methods
Foundation in communication Studies
Quantitative and qualitative analyses of media production and audience effects.
Guo, Z., Chan, W., & Cheung, S. (2017). News Creativity in the Eyes of Journalists. Hong Kong: City University Press.
- Making un-news: A study of digital beats in the Chinese press, with Wang D. Annual Conference of IAMCR, online, August 2020.
- Paid content in the Chinese press: Implications of state subsidies for journalist professional self-identification, with Wang D. 70th Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia, May 2020.
- Framing and construal level: A comparative analysis of press coverage of China’s “One Belt One Road” Initiative, with Wang, D. 70th Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia, May 2020.
- Classification algorithms for modeling categorical dependent variables: A study of online health information seeking, with Yang F., Shah, D., McLeod, D., Sethares, W., Sun, Z., & Wang X. 5th International Conference on Computational Social Science in Amsterdam, Holland, July 17-20, 2019.
- Influence of media exposure on perceptions of media credibility: The mediating role of political knowledge, with Li, W. & Salaudeen, M. IAMCR annual conference in Madrid, Spain, July 12-16, 2019.
- Who is to blame: Locality-based reporting of conflicts in Hong Kong press, with Yang, F. & Shen, F. International Communication Conference, San Diego, US, May 2017.
- Community conflict as news value: The case of Hong Kong press, with Yang, F., Huang, Y., & Shen, F. Pearl River Delta Urban Creativity and Cultural Communication Conference, Shenzhen, Nov. 14, 2015.
- Conflicts in the newsroom: A theoretical analysis of journalistic creativity, with Chan, W. IAMCR annual conference in Montreal, Canada, July 12-16, 2015.
- Measuring political ideology in China: Public opinion toward economic reform and political liberalization, with Fei, S. & Lu, Y. Annual Conference of World Association for Public Opinion Research, Nice, France, September 2014.
- Media credibility as dormant opinion: A study of Hong Kong audience, with Fei, S. Annual Conference of World Association for Public Opinion Research, Nice, France, September 2014.
- The impact of imagery ability on perceived image vividness: The case of HPV vaccine advertising, with Yang, F. Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Seattle, USA, May 2014.
- Elaboration model of uses and gratifications: Predicting audience’s news consumption and evaluation criteria, with Zhou, S., Fei, S., & Huang, Y. International Communication Association Regional Conference, Brasilia, Brazil, March 2014.
- Literary journalism in China: A prototype at large, with Huang, Y., Zhou, S. Annual Conference of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Washington, D. C., USA, August 2013.
- Louder is the unsaid: A sociology of knowledge study of literary journalism in China, with Sun, M., & Xie, X. Annual Conference of International Association for Literary Journalism, Tampere, Finland, May 2013.
- Understanding support for Internet censorship in China: An elaboration of the Theory of Reasoned Action. Conference on Public Governance and Relationships between State and Society in Mainland China. Taipei, Taiwan, October 2012.
- Media exposure and fashion involvement in China: A model of analysis, with Sun, Y. Annual Conference of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Chicago, USA, August 2012.
- The impact of news text, news frames and individual schemata on news comprehension, with Yang G. Annual Conference of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Chicago, USA, August 2012.
- Windows of hidden reality: Literary journalism in China, with Lu Y. Annual Conference of International Association for Literary Journalism Studies. Brussels, Belgium, May 2011.
- The last refuge of media persuasion: News use, nationalism and political trust in China, with Shen, F. Annual Conference of International Communication Conference. Boston, USA, May 2011
- Constructing distance: Coverage of local vs. non-local events by Hong Kong Newspapers, with Huang Y., To, Y., & Chan, F. International Communication Association. Singapore, May 2010.
Wang, D., & Guo, Z. (2020). 整合框架与解释水平:海内外报纸对“一带一路”报道的对比分析。【新闻与传播研究】,第27卷·第3期,5-20页。
Guo, Z., (2018). A report on public perceptions of media credibility in Hong Kong. In Huang Y. (Ed.) The Evolving Landscape of Media and Communication in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: City University Press.
Guo, Z. (2018). Media credibility in the public mind: A critique. Communication & Society. Vol. 46: 153-182.
郭中實(2018)。〈受眾心目中的傳媒公信力:研究評析〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第46 期,頁121–152。
Guo, Z. (2017). Boundaries and restrictions in news creativity. In Guo, Z., Chan, W., & Cheung, S (Eds.) News Creativity in the Eyes of Journalists (pp. 9-17). Hong Kong: City University Press.
Sun, Y., & Guo, Z. (2017). Predicting fashion involvement by media use, social comparison, and lifestyle: An interaction model. International Journal of Communication. Vol. 11: 4559-4582.
Guo, Z., Zhou, B., & Lu, Y. (2016). Media literacy, political cognition, media functions, and media use: A theoretical exploration. In Xiao X., Huang Y, & Song Y, (Eds.) Communication & Society’s 10th Anniversary Series (pp. 413-438). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
Yang, G., & Guo, Z. (2016). News content, understanding and memory: A mental model for comprehending the coverage of controversial issues. Journalism and Communication. Vol. 11: 35-50.
Yang, F., & Guo, Z. (2015). The moderating effect of imagery ability on perceived vividness: the case of HPV vaccine advertising in China. Chinese Journal of Communication. Vol. 8(2): 177-195.
Guo, Z. (2014). Advancing a typology of media content: analysis of a literary journalism story. Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism. Vol. 5(1) 237 doi: 10.4172/2165-7912.1000237.
Sun, M., & Guo, Z. (2014). Media exposure and fashion involvement in China: A model of analysis. China Media Research. 10(3):53-63.
Sun, M., & Guo, Z. (2014). Media exposure, social comparison and self-discrepancy: A model of prediction of fashion clothing involvement. Intercultural Communication Studies. XXIII(2): 151-172.
Feng, C., & Guo, Z. (2013). Tracing the route of China’s Internet censorship: An empirical study.Telematics and Informatics. 30(4):335-345.
Guo, Z. & Li, X. (2013). Media use and perceived media functions of metropolitan audiences: The case of Guangzhou. Communication and Society. Vol. 26(1): 75-100.
Sun, Y., & Guo, Z. (2013). Media use, social comparison, cognitive dissonance and peer pressure as antecedents of fashion involvement. Intercultural Communication Studies. XXII (1):117-139.
Shen, F. & Guo, Z. (2013). The last refuge of media persuasion: News use, national pride and political trust in China. Asian Journal of Communication. Vol. 23(2): 135-151.
Feng, C., & Guo, Z.(2012). Support for censorship: A multilevel meta-analysis of the third-person effect.Communication Reports. Vol. 25(1): 40-50.
Guo, Z., & Feng, C. (2012). Understanding support for Internet censorship in China: An elaboration of the theory of reasoned action. Journal of Chinese Political Science. Vol. 17(1): 33-52.
Shen, F., Lu, Y., Guo, Z., Zhou, B. (2011) News media use, perception, and efficacy: A multilevel analysis of media participation in China. Chinese Journal of Communication. Vol. 4(4): 475-495.
Guo, Z. (2011). Framing distance: Local vs. non-local news in Hong Kong Press. Chinese Journal of Communication. Vol. 4(1): 21-39.
Guo, Z., & Li, X. (2011). Perceptions of media functions and processing of news: Analysis of audience in a Chinese metropolis. Asian Journal of Communication, 21(1): 47-68.
Wang, N., Guo, Z., & Shen, F. (2011). Message, perception, and the Beijing Olympics: Impact of differential media exposure on perceived opinion diversity. Communication Research. Vol. 38(3): 422-445.
Guo, Z., To, Y., Huang, Y., & Chan, F. (2010). The meaning of distance in news: Hong Kong media’s differential treatment of local vs. non-local events. Mass Communication Research. Vol. 105: 195-235.
Huang, Y., Guo, Z., To, Y., & Chan, F. (2010). Measuring news content and press performance: The case of Hong Kong. Communication and Society. Vol. 12(2): 148-174.
Shen, F., Wang, N., Guo, Z., & Guo, L. (2009). Online network size, efficacy, and opinion expression: Assessing the impacts of Internet use in China. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Vol. 21(4): 451-476.
Guo, Z. Concept and conceptualization in communication research in China. Journalism Quarterly (2008). Vol. 1: 8-11.
Guo, Z., & Lu, Y. (2008). “Fact extrapolation” in reportage: Examining the changing intellectual-state relations in China across three historical periods. Communication & Society (in Chinese). Vol. 6:167-192.
Lu, Y., & Guo, Z. (2007). Empowerment through media literacy: From interpersonal discussion to media participation intention. Mass Communication Research (in Chinese). Vol. 92: 1-36.
Guo, Z., Cheong, A., & Chen, H. (2007). Nationalism as public imagination: Media’s routine contribution to latent and manifest nationalism in China. International Communication Gazette. Vol. 69(5): 473-486.
Guo, Z., Zhou, B., & Lu Y. (2006). Media literacy, political cognition, media functions and media use: An analysis of their theoretical connections. Communication & Society (in Chinese). Vol. 1: 122-145.
Guo, Z., Cheung, A., & Shen, C. (2006). Reasoning and processing: A model of analysis. China Media Report. Vol. 17(1): 39-47.
Guo. Z., Cheung, A., & Shen, C. (2005). Depth of reasoning and information processing: A predictive model of SARS behavior. Asian Journal of Communication. Vol. 15 (3): 274-288.
Guo, Z., & Huang, Y. (2002). Hybridized discourse: social openness and functions of English media in post-Mao China. World Englishes. Vol. 21(2): 217-230.
Guo, Z., Zhu, J., Chen, H., Yu, X. & Huang, Y. (2002). Ubiquitous media reality: Comparing direct and mediated experience as sources of crime perception in Hong Kong and Guangzhou. Mass Communication Research (in Chinese). Vol. 71:61-86.
Yu, X, Chu, L., & Guo, Z. (2001). Reform and challenge: An analysis of China’s journalism education under social transition. Gazette: The International Journal for Communication Studies. Vol. 4: 63-77.
Guo, Z., Zhu, J. & Chen, H. (2001). Mediated reality bites: Comparing direct and indirect experience as sources of crime perceptions across two communities in China. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Vol. 13(4): 398-418.
Guo, Z. (2001). To each according to its niche: Analyzing the political and economic origins for a structural segregation in Chinese press. Journal of Media Economics. Vol. 14(1): 15-30.
Guo, Z. (2000). Media use habits, audience expectations and media effects in Hong Kong’s First Legislative Council Election. Gazette, the International Journal for Communication Studies. Vol. 62(2): 133-151.
Guo, Z. (1999). Mainstream development of China’s media under reform in the 1990s. Politica. Vol. 12: 24-30.
Guo, Z., & Chen, H. (1998). Opposites apart: Explaining different revenues between China’s party and mass-appeal newspapers. Asian Journal of Communication Special Issue on Advertising and Cultural China. Vol. 8 (2): 70-99.
McLeod, J., Sotirovic, M., Voakes, P., Guo, Z., & Huang, S. (1998). A model of public support for First Amendment Rights, Communication Law and Policy. Vol.3(4): 479-514.
Chen, H., & Guo, Z. (1998). An analysis of the revenue gap in advertising market shares among party and mass appeal newspapers, Mass Communication Research (in Chinese). Vol. 57: 5-26.
Guo Z., & Moy, P. (1998). Media or message? Predicting dimensions of political sophistication,International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Vol. 10(1): 26-50.
Guo, Z., & Chen, H. (1997). China’s media content under commercialism. Mass Comm Review. Vol. 24(3-4): 85-101.
Guo, Z. (1997). The long arm of the television world: An evaluation of the cultivation theory, Journalism and Communication (in Chinese). Vol. 2:58-64.
McLeod, J., Guo, Z., Daily, K., Steele, C., Huang, H., & Chen, H. (1996). The impact of traditional and nontraditional media forms in the 1992 U.S. presidential election, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. Vol. 73(2): 401-416.
McLeod, J., Guo, Z., Daily, K., Eveland, W., Bayer, J., Yang, S., & Wang, H. (1996). Community integration, local media use and democratic processes, Communication Research. Vol. 23(2): 179-209.
Guo, Z., (2018). A report on public perceptions of media credibility in Hong Kong. In Huang Y. (Ed.) The Evolving Landscape of Media and Communication in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: City University Press.
Guo, Z. (2017). Boundaries and restrictions in news creativity. In Guo, Z., Chan, W., & Cheung, S (Eds.) News Creativity in the Eyes of Journalists (pp. 9-17). Hong Kong: City University Press.
Guo, Z., Zhou, B., & Lu, Y. (2016). Media literacy, political cognition, media functions, and media use: A theoretical exploration. In Xiao X., Huang Y, & Song Y, (Eds.) Communication & Society’s 10th Anniversary Series (pp. 413-438). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
Guo, Z., Huang, Y., To, Y., & Chan, F. (2010). Social meanings local and non-local news in Hong Kong press. In Shan, B., Shi, Y., & Liu, X (Eds.), The Cross-Cultural Orientation of Journalism and Communication Research. Shanghai: Shanghai Communication University Press.
Guo, Z., Zhou, B., & Lu, Y. (2010). Media literacy and political cognition: Empirical analysis of a set of theoretical relations. In Lu, Y. (ed.), Media literacy: Conception, Cognition and Participation (in Chinese). Shanghai: Economic Science Press.
Lu, Y., & Guo, Z (2010). Media literacy, interpersonal discussions, and media participation: The mediating role of media efficacy. In Lu, Y. (ed.), Media literacy: Conception, Cognition and Participation (in Chinese). Shanghai: Economic Science Press.
Guo, Z. (2009). Through barbed wires: Context, content, and constraints for journalism education in China. In Lee Becker & Josephi Beate (eds.) Journalism Education in Countries with Limited Media Freedom(pp. 1-30). New York: Hampton.
Guo, Z. Huang, Y., To, Y. & Chan, F. Hong Kong News Media Performance Study, Working Paper Series. Chinese / 15 pages (Dec 2008) David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies.
Guo, Z. (2007). Concept Explication: An exposition of the scientific nature of empirical research methodology of mass communication. Lu, S. & Hong, J. (eds.) Series on Western Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Mass Communication (pp. 400-420 in Chinese). Beijing: Renmin University Press.
Construction of distance: A comparison of local vs. non-local news coverage in Hong Kong press, with Huang, Y., To, Y.,. & Chan, F.. In Shan, B., Shi, Y., & Liu, X. (Eds.) The Intercultural Turn of Journalism and Communication (pp. 171-190)(2011).
Hybridized Discourse: Social Openness and Functions of English Media in Post-Mao China, with Huang, Y.
CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts
Changes for Media Management, with Li, Y. Ming Pao Periodical. (April 2006). Vol. 349. Cover Story.
Whodunit: Magazine, Mayhem and Mass Mentality,The Young Reporter, December 2002.
Where Soul Resides (translation) (2001). Beijing: China Workers’ Publishing House.
Misleading Messages in Movies (2001)
Media Blurring Line, China Daily. Dec. 21, 2000 p.6.
Small Things That Count Big, China Daily. Aug. 31, 2000, p.6.
The Fall from Grace of Precision Journalism, China Daily. Aug. 17, 2000, p. 6.
Young China: Time Magazine Special Edition (Translation, entire issue). Oct. 23 2000.
Line between Right and Wrong for Journalist Activities Hard to Draw, Oriental Daily News. Aug. 27, 1997 issue.
Subjectivity in Media News Selection, Oriental Daily News. Aug. 27, 1997 issue.
Views across wide divide: Three academics say survey show people in the SAR are skeptical how much autonomy Beijing will give Hong Kong, with Zhu, J., & Chen, H. South China Morning Post, July 8, 1997, Analysis page, p. 17.
Keeping differences while pursuing commonality: One step closer to Hong Kong’s return to China, Ming Pao, with Zhu J. & Chen, H. July 7, 1997 issue, p. c6.
Co-investigator with SHEN Fei
Project title: Trust in media revisited: a rational-emotional model
Project no.:11602915 Amount funded: HK$574,500
Co-investigator with JIN Jianbin, ZHANG Rongxian, SHENG Yina
Tsinghua University Hong Kong & Macau Research Project
Project title: Research on Hong Kong & Macau Media Ecology
Project code: 100100006
Project period: One year
Amount funded: RMB¥120,000
Principal investigator with Huang, Y. & Shen F.
Project title: Press Performance in Hong Kong: A Model of Analysis
Project number: 244212
Project period: Two years
Amount funded: $464,536
Co-investigator with Li, X.
University of Macau
Multi-Year Research Grant (Ref. no.: MYRC063)
Project Title: Press Performance and Reader Perception in Macau and Guangzhou: A Public Interest Model
Amount funded: MOP$200,000
Principal investigator with Huang Y., & Shen F.
Hong Kong Baptist University
Faculty Research Grant (Ref. no.: FRG2/10-11/076)
Press Performance and Reader Perception in Hong Kong: A Public Interest Model
Amount funded: HK$99,200
Associate Editor, Asian Journal of Communication
Associate Editor, Studies on Teaching & Learning
President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research Supervision, Hong Kong Baptist University
President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching (faculty), Hong Kong Baptist University
Top paper, Conference of Chinese Communication
Elizabeth Nelson Prize, World Association for Public Opinion Research
President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching, Hong Kong Baptist University
Elizabeth Nelson Prize, World Association for Public Opinion Research & American Association for Public Opinion Research