Ms. CHIU Lai Yu Bonnie

Visiting Senior Teaching Fellow

(852) 3411 5080

Ms. Chiu was born in and grew up in Hong Kong. She received a Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Communication at Hong Kong Baptist College, Master of Arts degree in Legal Studies from the University of Bristol and a Postgraduate Certificate in Laws from City University of Hong Kong.

She has extensive broadcast journalism experience in both reporting and anchoring. Ms. Chiu worked for the television division of Radio Television Hong Kong, Asia Television Limited, Cable TV and Television Broadcasts Limited. In addition, she once worked as an intern at United Nations Radio in New York and as a trainee solicitor in one of the Hong Kong’s largest and leading law firms. Ms Chiu is a solicitor admitted in the High Court of Hong Kong.

Ms. Chiu joined the Department of Journalism as Senior Lecturer in February 2010 and is currently teaching several undergraduate courses including “Broadcast Reporting and Production”, “Advanced Broadcast Reporting and Production”, “News Anchoring” and “Media Law and Ethics”.

Classes Taught

Broadcast Reporting and Production
Advanced Broadcast Reporting and Production
News Anchoring
Media Law and Ethics
Sports and Disability in the Hong Kong Chinese Media
Doxxing, Privacy and Current Issues

  1. Chiu, L. Y. B. (2021, Aug). Service Leadership Education: Teaching non-Journalism major to interview para-athletes. Teaching and Learning Connections, 15. Retrieved from
  2. Chiu, L.Y.B.(2020, Oct). Broadcasting live news events with great caution under the National Security Law for Hong Kong「香港《國安法》下如履薄冰的新聞現場直播」Media Digest, Retrieved from (chinese), (English)
  3. Chiu, L.Y.B.(2020, Oct)., Reflection on the new challenges of mixed-mode teaching faced by students and teachers under the pandemic 「疫下面授課網課同步師生新挑戰」, Ming Pao Daily, Retrieved from (Chinese), (English)